Additive Free -Jaggery

  • Additive Free-Jaggery

Jaggery is one of the traditional items of various ingredients in Indian way of cooking on auspicious functions.
Jaggery making is a simple process comprising of crushing sugarcane for juice extraction, filtration, boiling of juice for concentration and then cooling and solidifying to give jaggery blocks or powders.

Generally during boiling of juice, bleaching agents (chemical) are added to give a bright golden colour for jaggery. During the bleaching process there will be some loss of nutrients. Jggery is rich in iron ,
Vitamin C which is required for the healthy body.There will be a considrable loss in these nutrients during using bleaching agents. To preserve the total natural ingredients in jaggery we are not adding chemical agents for colouring Jaggery. Our process of making Jaggery is with selected and cleaned sugarcane and without adding any chemical ingredients for colouring Jaggery.

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